Sunday, 3 January 2010

Basecoats and washes done - not happy with the result

Well... the blue and the green have worked well enough, but the red seems terrible. Even with a first stage 2 layer covering of Mechanite Red (the GW/Citadel foundation paint) there was still a fair bit of black showing through. I went ahead to move onto the Vallejo 'Bloody Red' colour to do the main base coat, and still had lots of black show through.

The paint scheme looks fine in my low-light bedroom without the desk lamp shining on the models, but as soon as its daylight/the room is properly lighted the effect looks terrible.

Painting red on black has always been my nemesis, and it seems that it still will be. I was scared of putting on too many coats of foundation red as I was worried I was going to obscure too much detail (even with thinning my paint) as its already building up around the inside of the fingers/edges of the armour and backpacks and things, whilst theres black showing through the raised areas around it.

I'm still wondering if a white or grey (since white gesso seems to cover so badly) will be a better alternative undercoat for the red.

To make matters worse, because the lighting is so bad in here, the cheapo camera I use cant really pick up the model well, so I'll need to wait until I can next get decent quality light to take photos, and unfortunately with going back to work tomorrow after the new years break, I leave when its dark, and return home when its dark, so daylight shots are completely out of the question. Might have to see about what can be done.

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