Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The all-important first post

Hi all, and welcome to the new blog. I previously ran a blog for Eve Online (thats a computer game for those not in the know) called 'One Man and His Spaceship' - oddly enough that was due to the fact that the game was all about 'internet spaceships' (ask any Eve fan, if you can ever find them.)

For anyone who is even vaguely interested in my Eve Online adventures, you can find the blog linked here - but be warned, its not really been updated for a long time as I've been busy with other things in the meantime.

This blog is all about painting miniatures. More often than not, those produced by Games Workshop/Citadel Miniatures, and since my personal favourite genre is sci-fi (take a guess as to why I play Eve) I tend to stick with the Warhammer 40,000 game miniatures.

Now... a bit of history. Many years ago (well about 5 ish) I stopped my painting endeavours when my local gaming club folded due to a drop in interest. I was never really one for playing the table top game, but I always enjoyed painting the figures, and would often just come along to the club to get a few minis moved further along the production line, and have a chat to friends.

In recent weeks, one of my friends has fulfilled an age-old dream of his, and he is opening his own shop - strangely enough stocking Games Workshop products, and also custom built PC gaming rigs. He approached me and asked if I minded doing a bit of painting for him, as he was wanting to offer a painting service for any purchased miniatures. I really wanted to see the shop work (note, I've promised him a free plug so you'll hear more about that soon) so I agreed... then realised that I'd not painted in so long, I was bound to be rusty. So I need to get into practice.

This blog is the inevitable result. I'm going to document my attempts at getting back into the swing of things, and maybe give a few good pointers on the way. My main failing was that I was always really slow and methodical at painting, and ultimately, if the view is to offer a painting service that is cost effective, I need to get the practice back in and learn old and new shortcuts to keep the quality high, and the time it takes low.

Of course, times change too, and with the 5 years that have progressed, I've started up new hobbies, and take part in other things that draw my time away from painting... so juggling this, work, and a social life should also be a fun thing to watch - as an outsider anyway - I'm dreading it.

So anyway... thats my not so short summary of why I've created this blog... and lets hope that anyone who follows it also will gain something useful.


  1. Good luck. We just moved into a new home this year and I dutifully set up my miniatures paint/work bench, which has yet to see any work done on it. With kids, work, and wife competing for any additional time, EvE tends to eat my hobby time.

  2. Hiya - thanks for the kind words. Now all I need to do is figure out if its possible to change the Karox Lominax posting name on this blog, as it could get really confusing later on when the Eve blog and painting blog arent as directly linked together.
